Sabrina Perkins
seriously natural
About this speaker
Sabrina Perkins is an author of her newest book, 21 Natural Hair Growth Stimulators (published this year) and Natural Hair For Beginners: A Beginner’s Guide To Going Natural Successfully!, (published in 2020). Both books can be found on amazon.com in Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover and in Large Print, and bookshop.org.
She's been blogging about natural hair and beauty since December 2010 and has written for amazing publications like Curly Nikki, Naturallycurly, and Essence digital Magazine. Beauty is in her blood and so is her love to share accurate information on women who love their skin and hair and want to care for it!
She has a BA in Political Science, a Master in Public Administration, and resides in Denver CO with her husband and two kids.